Annual Campus Security Report

at Latin Beauty Academy

Clery/Campus Security Act

Clery/Campus Security Act is the law that requires institutions to compile statistics for certain crimes that are reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies, including incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The full title is the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

Latin Beauty Academy has policies that encourage complete, timely reporting of all crimes to the campus police and appropriate law enforcement agencies. As Latin Beauty Academy has not a campus police or security department, we do not keep a written daily crime log. However, our institution reports the statistics for Annual Crime Report, which consist of three calendar years to all current enrolled students and employees, as well as to prospective students who can request a copy of the report. In addition, it is submitted to the Department annually on October 1 for complete calendar year. Annual Campus Security Report is based on the tabulated statistics for the crimes, which describes in the margin note and for fire safety. The report must include statistics on the number and causes of fires, as well as fire-related injuries, death, and property damage for each on-campus student housing facility during the three most recent calendar years for which data are available. The fire safety statistics are due at the same time as the crime statistics.

In addition, Annual Campus Security Report Crimes to be reported to campus community 34 CFR 688.46(c)(1) (i) Criminal homicide: (A) Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter. (B) Negligent manslaughter. (ii) Sex offenses: (A) Forcible sex offenses. (B) Nonforcible sex offenses. (iii) Robbery. (iv) Aggravated assault. (v) Burglary. (vi) Motor vehicle theft. (vii) Arson. (viii) (A) Arrests for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession. (B) Persons not included in paragraph (c)(1)(viii)(A) of this section, who were referred for campus disciplinary action for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession.

Timely Warning and Emergency Notification

Latin Beauty Academy helps in the prevention of crimes and reports to the campus community on crimes that are:

  • Included in campus crime statistics, such as arson, robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft, aggravated assault, criminal homicides, and sex offenses (see a full listing in the sidebar on page 117), or
  • Report to local police agencies or to campus security authorities (as identified under the school’s statement of current campus policies), and
  • Represents a threat to students and employees, following our emergency notification procedures. Our institution provides adequate follow-up information to the community as needed.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Latin Beauty Academy provides to its students, faculty, and employees information to prevent drug and alcohol abuse, and it also have a drug and alcohol prevention program. In addition, our institution as a school that participates in the Campus-Based Programs must have a drug-free awareness program for its employees that includes a notice to them of unlawful activities and the actions our institution will take against an employee who violates these prohibitions. Latin Beauty Academy also provides information about drug prevention materials for students and employees.

The following aspects included are in its materials:

  • Information on preventing drug and alcohol abuse;
  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the school’s property or as part of the school’s activities; a description of the sanctions under local, state, and federal law for unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  • A description of any drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs available to students and employees;
  • A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol; and
  • A clear statement that the school will impose sanctions on students and employees for violations of the standards of conduct (consistent with local, state, and federal law) and a description of these sanctions, up to and including expulsion, termination of employment, and referral for prosecution.'

Distribution of Materials to all Students and Employees

Latin Beauty Academy includes the above information in publications such as catalog and/or employee handbooks, provided that these publications are distributed to each student and employee. Our institution uses effective method to distribute this information, which is mostly person by person. Latin Beauty Academy distributes these materials annually; if new students enroll or new employees are hired after the initial distribution for the year, the administration makes sure that they also receive the materials.

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Latin Beauty Academy certifies that on the date it signs the Program Participation Agreement it has a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program in operation that is accessible to any officer, employee, or student at the school. The program adopted by our institution includes an annual distribution to all students, faculty, and staff of information concerning drug and alcohol abuse and the school’s prevention program. Our institution reviews our program once every two years to determine its effectiveness and to ensure that its sanctions are being enforced. As a part of this biennial review, our school determines:

  • The number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on a school’s campus or as part of any of the school’s activities and that are reported to campus officials;
  • The number and type of sanctions that are imposed by the school as a result of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities on the campus or as part of any of the school’s activities. Latin Beauty Academy makes available upon request the results of the review as well as the data and methods supporting its conclusions. Our institution certifies that it has a prevention program to carry out prevention activities.

Drug–Free Workplace Requirements for Campus–Based Schools

Latin Beauty Academy as a school that participates in the Campus-Based Programs must take the following steps to provide a drug-free workplace:

  • Establishing a drug-free awareness program to provide information to employees and students;
  • Distributing a notice to its employees and students of prohibited unlawful activities and the school’s planned actions against an employee and student who violates these prohibitions;
  • Notifying the Department and taking appropriate action when it learns of an employee’s conviction under any criminal drug statute. Latin Beauty Academy administrative cost allowance may be used to help defray related expenses, such as the cost of printing informational materials given to employees.
  • The drug-free workplace requirements apply to all offices and departments of a school that receives Campus-Based funds. Organizations that contract with the school are considered sub-grantees not subject to the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act.

FERPA & Crime Records

Latin Beauty Academy recognize that there are two different FERPA provisions concerning the release of records relating to a violent crime:

One: Concerns the release to the victim of any outcome involving an alleged crime of violence [34 CFR 99.31(a) (13)].

Second: A separate provision permits a school to disclose to anyone the final results of any disciplinary hearing against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence where that student was found in violation of the school’s policy on the offense [34 CFR 99.31(a) (14)].

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